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Media Media (Presentation ceremony of the 1st edition of the Metropolitan Commitment Awards)

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The PEMB is part of the technical office of the ECoD of the Barcelona City Council
I edition of the Metropolitan Commitment Awards
The PEMB is part of the technical office of the ECoD of the Barcelona City Council


The PEMB is part of the technical office of the ECoD of the Barcelona City Council
I edition of the Metropolitan Commitment Awards
The PEMB is part of the technical office of the ECoD of the Barcelona City Council


The PEMB is part of the technical office of the ECoD of the Barcelona City Council
I edition of the Metropolitan Commitment Awards
The PEMB is part of the technical office of the ECoD of the Barcelona City Council


The PEMB is part of the technical office of the ECoD of the Barcelona City Council
I edition of the Metropolitan Commitment Awards
The PEMB is part of the technical office of the ECoD of the Barcelona City Council

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