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Participatory democracy and social movements

  • Canòdrom - Ateneu d'Innovació Digital i Democràtica
    C/ de Concepción Arenal, 165, Sant Andreu, 08027 Barcelona
  • 19:30 PM - 20:45 PM CEST
OpenStreetMap - C/ de Concepción Arenal, 165, Sant Andreu, 08027 Barcelona
Avatar: Official meeting
Official meeting

Social movements are a living actor in cities; they are vectors of conflict and weave alliances and networks to defend collective rights. The dynamics of social movements are very diverse and ever-changing, transforming over the decades in their forms of action, organization, and communication, while also responding to societal changes and emerging conflicts. The actions of these movements are also a lever for change in policies and shape the face of cities. Participatory democracy seeks hybrid spaces that navigate between representation and self-organization. How can we imagine democracy through the virtue and richness of movements? Can democracy be opened up to movements? Do all movements defend collective rights? What challenges and risks will movements face in the coming decades? These are some of the questions that will shape the debate in this conversation with renowned sociologist and political scientist Donatella della Porta and Carme Arcarazo, researcher and spokesperson for the Tenants’ Union of Catalonia.

  • Speakers: Donatella Della Porta and Carme Arcarazo

  • Language: English and Catalan


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