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A participatory process is a sequence of participatory activities (e.g. first filling out a survey, then making proposals, discussing them in face-to-face or virtual meetings, and finally prioritizing them) with the aim of defining and making a decision on a specific topic.

Examples of participatory processes are: a process of electing committee members (where candidatures are first presented, then debated and finally a candidacy is chosen), participatory budgets (where proposals are made, valued economically and voted on with the money available), a strategic planning process, the collaborative drafting of a regulation or norm, the design of an urban space or the production of a public policy plan.

Volem Decidir!

#VolemDecidir Democracy for children and adolescents

About this process

Volem Decidir! It is the first participatory process of the European Capital of Democracy which is aimed at all boys and girls aged 8 to 17 in the city of Barcelona. The process involves answering the following question: How do we want boys and girls to participate in the city?

From January to June 2024, the boys and girls will have to decide which topics they consider to be priority and how they want to participate in the affairs of the city.

The result must be the creation of new forms and innovative participation spaces for children and adolescents who have been proposed during the process and enjoy greater support.

Related documents

Volem decidir!
Download file
Manual per a entitats i equipaments
Amb aquest manual podreu desenvolupar els tallers a la vostra entitat
Download file
Reference: CDB-PART-2023-09-3


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