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Read more about the European Capital of Democracy 2023-2024

What is participatory action?

A participatory action or process is a form of governance or decision-making that actively involves citizens, enabling them to have a direct say in the issues affecting their community, city or country. Under this strategy, people can express their opinions, ideas and preferences in important issues, such as infrastructure projects, public policies, budgets, urban development plans and other relevant issues.

Participatory processes can take various forms, such as surveys, citizen assemblies, dialogue tables, public consultations, discussion forums, hearings and workshops, to mention but a few. The main goal is to promote transparency, inclusion and collaboration between citizens and decision-makers.

The aim, then, is to use these participation channels to enrich the quality of the decisions taken, ensuring that the needs and expectations of the people affected by these decisions are better understood. Such an approach enables the building of a more democratic society and a sense of collective ownership on public issues, while fostering greater accountability from political leaders and the authorities.


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