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Media Media (ECoD City Network Meeting)

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Visit to the Canòdrom - University of Digital and Democratic Innovation
Meeting of the ECoD Cities Network
Visit to the Canòdrom - University of Digital and Democratic Innovation


Family photo of the people represented from each city
Meeting of the ECoD Cities Network
Family photo of the people represented from each city


Workshop on Digital Transition with Anna Inglés, Coordinator of the Technical Office at the Canòdrom - Ateneu d'Innovación Digital i Democràtica
Meeting of the ECoD Cities Network
Workshop on Digital Transition with Anna Inglés, Coordinator of the Technical Office at the Canòdrom - Ateneu d'Innovación Digital i Democràtica


Meeting with Ángela Precht, general coordinator of the European Capital of Democracy
Meeting of the ECoD Cities Network
Meeting with Ángela Precht, general coordinator of the European Capital of Democracy


Visit to the Supercomputing Center
Meeting of the ECoD Cities Network
Visit to the Supercomputing Center


BSC-CNS: a scientific facility and public research center located in Barcelona
Meeting of the ECoD Cities Network
BSC-CNS: a scientific facility and public research center located in Barcelona

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