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Enhancing Human Rights in Cities with the Right to Vote: The 2024 European Parliament Elections

#activitat DemocracyBCN

06 May - Webinar online


A conference is a collection of meetings arranged in a programme, with a number of people invited as speakers, and other information fields typical of large congresses or social events (registration, list of organisations that support or sponsor the event, etc.).

Examples: A conference can be a relevant event for an organization and its members, or take place as part of a participatory process or follow a consultation.


How local authorities can guarantee the right to vote and enhance democratic participation in the 2024 European Parliament elections?


The Human Rights Cities Network & the Global Parliament of Mayors are organising the webinar "Enhancing Human Rights in Cities with the Right to Vote: the 2024 European Parliament Elections" on the 6th May at 15:00 CET to explore the topic. The speakers at the event will address the challenges and the opportunities for the voters to exercise their human rights at the local level, based on local practices from cities with a particular focus on transparency, equality, accountability, and integrity of the electoral process.


Keynote speech:  The Role of Cities in Upholding the Right to Vote

  • Mr Ricardo Rio, Mayor of the City of Braga/Portugal, and President of the Global Parliament of Mayors (GPM)

Panel of speakers:

  • The Importance of Citizens’ Engagement in the 2024 EU Elections - Mr Michael Lidauer, Senior policy advisor, co-founder of Election-Watch.EU

  • Good Practices from Cities

    • Sindelfingen City, Dr. Kibreab Habtemichael Gebereselassie, Head of the Department of International Affairs and Europe

  • The Role of Pan-European Civil Society for EU Election Campaign - Mr Benjamin Goodwin, Communications and Campaigns Officer, European Civic Forum (ECF)

  • Enhance the right to vote at the local level beyond the 2024 European Elections - Ms Margarita Spasova, Acting Director, Human Rights Cities Network (HRCN)

Organisers: Human Rights Cities Network & Global Parliament of Mayors


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