Changes at "Inaugural conference: The challenges of European democracy"
Title (English)
- +Inaugural conference: The challenges of European democracy
Title (Castellano)
- +Conferencia inaugural: Los retos de la democracia europea
Description (English)
Conference by Daniel Innerarity, professor of political and social philosophy, Ikerbasque researcher at the University of the Basque Country and director of the Democratic Governance Institute.
Description (Castellano)
Conferencia a cargo de Daniel Innerarity, catedrático de filosofía política y social, investigador Ikerbasque en la Universidad del País Vasco y director del Instituto de Gobernanza Democrática.
Location (English)
- +Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona - CCCB (Sala Auditori)
Location (Castellano)
- +Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona - CCCB (Sala Auditori)