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Pulse of Democracy: The Emotional Impact


27 Sep - 2024 Canòdrom - Ateneu d'Innovació Digital i Democràtica


A conference is a collection of meetings arranged in a programme, with a number of people invited as speakers, and other information fields typical of large congresses or social events (registration, list of organisations that support or sponsor the event, etc.).

Examples: A conference can be a relevant event for an organization and its members, or take place as part of a participatory process or follow a consultation.


"Pulse of Democracy: The Emotional Impact" is an event focused on exploring the impact of emotions on democratic dialogue and processes.


It is part of the Horizon Europe-funded project PLEDGE, which aims to understand and leverage emotional dynamics in political grievances to enhance democratic governance and civic engagement. The event includes an interactive workshop on peer-to-peer (p2p) research methodologies and a roundtable discussion on the role of emotions in democratic dialogue. It will take place at the Canòdrom in Barcelona, as part of the European Capital of Democracy program.

  • September 27 - 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM

  • Assembly Hall of the Canòdrom - Center for Digital and Democratic Innovation




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