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Award Ceremony for the Participate in School Award 2022

#activitat #DemocracyBCN

17 Nov - 15 Dec - 2023 Castellterçol


A conference is a collection of meetings arranged in a programme, with a number of people invited as speakers, and other information fields typical of large congresses or social events (registration, list of organisations that support or sponsor the event, etc.).

Examples: A conference can be a relevant event for an organization and its members, or take place as part of a participatory process or follow a consultation.


Participate in School Award are a recognition for schools or institutes that have carried out, during the course, participation experiences in which the students have been involved in the life of the centre.


Participate in School Award 2022 recognizes participatory experiences in primary and secondary educational centers. The award includes up to 8,000 euros, along with a recognition diploma. Ultimately, the goal is to create a more democratic school with students who are more active and committed to their educational community.

This year's winners are:

  • The Escola Castellterçol Institute with the project "Educating in Democracy". This initiative, involving a classroom assembly and a student parliament, stands out for the active involvement of the entire educational community. According to the award, a participatory project arises from student initiative or respects their ways of organizing and relating. It also includes various groups, both internal and external to the school, making a significant impact on the democratic life of the institute. It aims to involve groups that do not usually participate, encouraging participation according to each one's capabilities and allowing for the evaluation of its success. The award ceremony will take place on Friday, November 17, at 10:30 a.m. (Castellterçol).

  • On December 15, the prize will also be awarded to the Escola Jaume Miret de les Soses in Lleida, for the Sustainability Week project and to the Plançó Association of Lleida, which is the owner of the Plançó Special Education School.

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