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Speakers Speakers (Policies and technologies for participatory democracy)



Arnau Monterde

MODERATOR. Director of Democratic Innovation Barcelona City Council
<p>He is responsible for the <a target="_blank" href=""></a> platform and co-founder of the Decidim platform. He has also promoted the Canòdrom – Center for Digital and Democratic Innovation of Barcelona, a public center for innovation and research at the intersection between technology and democracy. He has been coordinator of the Tecnopolitics project (Enllaç extern) at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3-UOC). He is part of various programs and projects on digital rights, light programming, technological sovereignty and democratic innovation in the digital era. He has a doctorate in the Information Society and Knowledge from the Open University of Catalonia.</p>



Carla Rocha

Responsible for deployment Brasil Participa
<p>She is a professor at the University of Brasilia (UnB), in the Software Engineering course. She is a researcher and one of the coordinators of the Advanced Laboratory for Software Production, Research and Innovation (LAPPIS). She is currently the coordinator of the "Brasil Participativo" platform development project, the Brazilian digital participation platform that uses the free Decidim software. She also coordinates the Gnome Foundation's award-winning mentoring program "Big Open Source Siblings," which trains underrepresented groups to contribute to free software communities. Her research areas and interests are: DevOps, teaching oriented to the development of projects in the ecosystem of free software communities, MLOps, education, diversity and minorities in Software Engineering.</p>



Carol Romero

Decidim development coordinator Localret
<p>She is a technologist with two decades of experience in information technology projects, specialized in digital transformation, open governance and interaction between administration and citizens. She will begin her second professional career in the telecommunications sector and will subsequently work as a freelance web developer and digital communication strategy.</p><p>At the Localret Consortium she has coordinated various ICT projects for municipalities, with special attention to digital platforms for citizen participation. She is one of the co-founders of Decidim and is currently the product manager of the project.</p><p>Romero has a degree in Social Education from the University of Barcelona and in Urban Projects and Topographic Operations from the Escola del Treball, as well as a postgraduate degree in Digital Strategic Communication from the Pompeu Fabra University. She has actively participated in various professional groups, such as the IP Network, Catalunya Dades, the Transparent Governs Network and the Lliure Decidim Programming Association, of which she will be president between 2021 and 2023.</p>



Oscar Romero

Information Director New York Civic Engagement Commission
<p>Her work focuses on leveraging technology, innovation, and global partnerships to increase participatory democracy and address urban inequality in low-income and underrepresented communities in New York City. Oscar directs Diversity in Tech NYC, an annual event that discusses the main challenges to improving diversity in the technology sector. As a New York City public official, he has participated in multiple emergency response task forces on topics such as tenant harassment prevention, online child abuse prevention during the Covid-19 pandemic, and service delivery. mental health services for newly arrived Ukrainian refugees.</p>


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