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II Conference Thinking Global Digital Justice

#activitat #DemocracyBCN

11 Dec - 12 Dec - Ca l'Alier, C/ de Pere IV, 362, 08019 Barcelona


A conference is a collection of meetings arranged in a programme, with a number of people invited as speakers, and other information fields typical of large congresses or social events (registration, list of organisations that support or sponsor the event, etc.).

Examples: A conference can be a relevant event for an organization and its members, or take place as part of a participatory process or follow a consultation.


Taking over from the first Global Digital Justice project promoted by Oxfam Intermón and the Barcelona City Council's Directorate of Global Justice, a second phase of this initiative was developed during the last few months of this year. In this case, the common thread of the actions carried out in Bolivia, El Salvador, Spain and Tunisia has been the impact on democracy and coexistence of the discourse disseminated through social networks. Emphasis has been placed on the capacity of the digital environment to condition democratic participation or co-opt political processes and to erode social coexistence in diversity through attacks and the denial of rights to minoritised or marginalised groups or sectors of the population, from the LGBTQIA+ community to the migrant population, including women's rights, and so on.

This central event is the moment to share these experiences and strengthen them with other voices, as well as to generate connections between actors that can reinforce strategies for change.



11 December 2023 (open to the public).

16.30 - 17.00. Welcome and opening

Explanation of the framework of the project and the reason for this central event.

◦ David Llistar. Director of Global Justice, Barcelona City Council.

◦ Andrea Costafreda. Programme Director for Latin America and the Caribbean, Oxfam Intermón.

17.00 - 18.00. AI beyond the apocalypse and techno-futuristic dystopia.

The aim is to offer a critical look at Artificial Intelligence technology that realistically situates the risks and opportunities, as well as strategies to minimise its negative impact.

◦ Renata Ávila, lawyer and digital rights activist. Executive Director of the Open Knowledge Foundation.

◦ Susie Alegre, international lawyer specialising in human rights and technology, author of the book Freedom of Thought. The long struggle to free our minds.

18.00 - 18.15. Break

Opportunity for social networking and relaxed conversations.

18.15 - 19.15. Standing up to the big platforms

Aims to make visible the initiatives that point to the responsibility of large companies in the negative impacts of their activity and that show that certain limits can be set for them.

◦ Paz Peña, independent researcher specialising in the intersection between digital technologies, feminism and social justice.

◦ Cori Crider, co-founder of Foxglove, a British organisation dedicated to strategic litigation that promotes lawsuits against big technology companies.

(The conference on the 12th is a restricted-access event designed as a space for collective work and aimed at fostering exchange and collective reflection between the international participants, various participants in the project, the Oxfam bodies involved in this initiative and others related to the digitalisation process and organisations and collectives from the digital and transformative ecosystem in Barcelona).


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