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Forum on Deliberation, Creativity, and Democracy

#activitat DemocracyBCN

15 Oct - 18 Oct - 2024 Canòdrom - Ateneu d'Innovació Digital i Democràtica


A conference is a collection of meetings arranged in a programme, with a number of people invited as speakers, and other information fields typical of large congresses or social events (registration, list of organisations that support or sponsor the event, etc.).

Examples: A conference can be a relevant event for an organization and its members, or take place as part of a participatory process or follow a consultation.


The proposal for a Forum on Deliberation, Creativity, and Democracy falls within the guidelines set by Barcelona's designation as the European Capital of Democracy and responds to the need to create a space for reflection and dissemination where projects related to civic practices of political participation can be reflected upon, debated, and shared.


The activities of the Forum are designed to actively promote democratic values such as equality, freedom, justice, and solidarity from the perspective of deliberation and citizen participation, in an exercise of deepening democracy carried out among experts, administration personnel, and the citizens of Barcelona.


The activities that will take place within the Forum are as follows:

  • Annual meeting of Red Delib: The program of the meeting aims to deepen the knowledge among members of the Network, exchange experiences, doubts, knowledge, and establish a roadmap for the Network.

  • Autumn School on Citizens' Assemblies promoted by FIDE, with the collaboration of Deliberativa: this is a highly recognized training aimed at civil servants, politicians, civil society, and private organizations involved in the various stages of the decision-making process. Its focus is on developing the necessary knowledge to organize Citizen Assemblies and other deliberative methods in public administrations. REGISTER before October 1st here.

  • Presentation event of the Platoniq School of Creativity and Democracy: at the presentation event, the various activities of the School as well as all the training courses and modules aimed at both citizens and civil servants and politicians will be introduced.

  • As a parallel activity, the Forum will also host the session "Deliberation in the Local World," organized by Raons. This session aims to create a conducive environment for the exchange of ideas and experiences between technical teams of public administrations and professionals in participation and deliberation.

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Logo deliberativa
logo FIDE
logo platoniq
logo RAONS
logo red_delib


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