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Mediterranean Women Leading the Way: Hubs, Funding and a Comparative Advantage

#activitat #DemocracyBCN

27 Feb - 2024 Fira de Barcelona


A conference is a collection of meetings arranged in a programme, with a number of people invited as speakers, and other information fields typical of large congresses or social events (registration, list of organisations that support or sponsor the event, etc.).

Examples: A conference can be a relevant event for an organization and its members, or take place as part of a participatory process or follow a consultation.


Using the framework of the 2024 Mobile World Congress, 22@ Network, FNF Madrid and the Euthenia Community host a conference on the ecosystem for female-led start-ups in the Mediterranean.


At 4YFN, during the Mobile World Congress, on February 27th from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM at the Sky Stage, pavilion 8.0 of 4YFN, attendees will have the opportunity to discover exclusive insights on how to access Barcelona's dynamic ecosystem and succeed in funding rounds.

This meeting is organized within the framework of the European Capital of Democracy with the participation of the 22@ Network, Friedrich Naumann Foundation, and Euthenia Community, a network of female executives from Europe, the MENA region, and West Africa aimed at promoting equality in the private sector, creating new businesses and visibility, and supporting new women leaders.


3.00 pm Welcome

  • Eva Díaz, Euthenia Executive Women Community

  • Iolanda Triviño, President of the 22@ Network’s talent committee

  • Anaïs Weinberger, European Capital of Democracy

Moderator: David Henneberger, FNF, Madrid Head of Office

3.04 pm Panel 1: "Barcelona as Hub for Female Entrepreneurship in the Med"

  • Eva Díaz, Euthenia Executive Women Community

  • Iolanda Triviño, president of the Xarxa 22@ talent committee

  • Lauren O'Neil, Co-President Startup and Entrepreneurship Club, IESE Business School

Moderator: David Henneberger, FNF, Madrid Head of Office

15.32 h Panel 2: "Funding – What investors should know about Women-led Business in the Med"

  • Mona Itani, Assistant Professor, Suliman s. Olayan School of Business, American University of Beirut

  • Aysegul Sensoy, Chief Strategy Officer at XYZ Teknoloj - Turkey

  • Nour Boumaiza, FNF, Tunisia

  • Nabila Moumen, Principal Partnership Success Manager, Hubspot Paris

Moderator: Chaimae Bourjij, FNF Morocco

4.00 pm Closing of the event

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