4D European Conference, democratic digitization and digital rights
#activitat #DemocracyBCN
09 Oct - 2024 Sala d'actes del COAC
A conference is a collection of meetings arranged in a programme, with a number of people invited as speakers, and other information fields typical of large congresses or social events (registration, list of organisations that support or sponsor the event, etc.).
Examples: A conference can be a relevant event for an organization and its members, or take place as part of a participatory process or follow a consultation.
Conference on digitalization and fundamental rights for a democratic society.
An event open to any individual or institution interested in learning about ground-breaking experiences regarding democratic digitalisation, with the spotlight on people’ digital sovereignty. We will talk about digital rights and their violations, and how to apply changes and solutions to avoid them. We will exchange experiences on civil policies and actions. We will generate recommandations for the national and international public authorities and for the civil society.
Wednesday, October 9th
COAC auditorium, Plaça Nova 5 (in front of the cathedral), 1st floor (Barcelona)
Admission is free but capacity is limited.
9:30 a.m. to 14:00 p.m.
Welcome by Genís Roca from Fundació .cat and Simona Levi from Xnet, Institute for Democratic Digitalisation. In-person format
WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE WORLD: Conference by CIDOB, with Lorena Jaume-Palasí, moderated by Carme Colomina. Hybrid format
DIGITAL PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE AND DIGITAL COMMONS – STATE OF THE ART: Presentations of various aspects and advances in the field of digital public infrastructure and digital commons. Conversation between Simona Levi, Coordinator of Xnet and Sophie Bloemen, co-founder and director of Commons Network, involved in the process for a European Digital Infrastructure Consortium on Digital Commons. Other interventions by Arnau Monterde, Democratic Innovation Director of Barcelona City Hall; and Wouter Tebbens from Free Knowledge Institute. In-person format
A POSITIVE AGENDA FOR THE DIGITAL FUTURE: Interventions by Carolina Caeiro and Miriam Hatibi. In-person formatModerated by i2cat, Alba Soler Turull
Lunch break
3:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
-Opening of the afternoon by El Mundo Today. Audiovisual format
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI), BRIEF STATE OF THE ART: Powered by The Juice Media Honest Government Ads. Audiovisual format
ACTION DEVICES BY FUNDACIÓ.CAT: Presentation of the Digital Catalan Monitoring Network by Albert Cuesta; Galàxia, by Josep Maria Ganyet; and La Fera by Jana Jubert. Moderated by Gerard Vélez. In-person format
-News by El Mundo Today. Audiovisual format
10 CIVIL SOCIETY LITIGATION TO DEFEND DIGITAL RIGHTS: Flash talks moderated by Cesar Manso-Sayao, from Digital Freedom Fund (DFF). With: Felix Mikolasch, from Noyb | David Cabo from Civio | Núria Soto, from ObservatoriTAS | Félix Tréguer by La Quadrature du Net | Salvatore Romano, from Ai Forensics | Anaïs Franquesa, from Iridia | Adriana Ribas, from Amnistia Internacional Catalunya | Jelle Klaas, from PiLP | Jan Vobořil, from Iuridicum Remedium (IuRe). Hybrid format
18 FINALIST PROJECTS OF OUR CALL 4D DIGITAL RIGHTS BY DESIGN, AND DELIVERY OF THE AWARDS: Jaime Gómez-Obregón | Tails | Domestic Data Streamers | 300.000 km/s | Doppelcheck | Demos | Paxo | Parlameter | Datos contra el Ruido | Nodo Común y Club Manhattan | L’Àgora Agroecològica | Co-operative Cloud | Balkan Investigative Reporting Network | Abrimos.info | eReuse | Kyva Iborra Raval | Posmo, Data Cooperative for Mobility | Dis-Pensa-Llibres
Finalists: Audiovisual and in-person format
-News by Minoria Absoluta. Audiovisual format
LIVE PODCAST & BEERS: By Anna Pacheco and Andrea Gumes in collaboration with La Fera. In-person format
More information and registrations
Organized by Xnet and Fundació.cat.