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European Mayors Summit: Strengthening democracy and the role of cities in the European Union

#ciutat #DemocracyBCN

07 Nov - 08 Nov - 2023 Fira Barcelona


A conference is a collection of meetings arranged in a programme, with a number of people invited as speakers, and other information fields typical of large congresses or social events (registration, list of organisations that support or sponsor the event, etc.).

Examples: A conference can be a relevant event for an organization and its members, or take place as part of a participatory process or follow a consultation.


The main aim behind the Mayors Summit is to raise the profile, recognition, and active participation of local authorities in European decision-making processes and ensure that cities play a crucial role in shaping and implementing European policies.


Notably, as Barcelona holds the distinguished title of first European Capital of Democracy, there is the aim to promote city contributions to European values and democracy. During the Summit, which is held as part of the Smart City World Congress 2023, mayors will have the opportunity to sign a declaration addressed to the European Council/Member States of the European Union, acknowledging the pivotal role cities play in effectively tackling major challenges. Additionally, the Summit seeks to strengthen the institutional relationship between cities and the European Commission and the European Parliament by reviewing existing collaborations and defining new EU governance instruments specifically designed for cities. The results of the summit will be presented to the Spanish Presidency of the European Union.

The Summit is jointly organised by the city of Barcelona and EUROCITIES, following the conversations and encouragement of the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation.

  • November 7th: 9:45 AM - 7:30 PM

  • November 8th: 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM

Official Ceremony


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