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Should democracy be defended?

  • Canòdrom - Ateneu d'Innovació Digital i Democràtica
    C/ de Concepción Arenal, 165, Sant Andreu, 08027 Barcelona
  • 18:00 PM - 19:15 PM CEST
OpenStreetMap - C/ de Concepción Arenal, 165, Sant Andreu, 08027 Barcelona
Avatar: Official meeting
Official meeting

Faced with the rise of fascism and the advance of hate speech, it seems that the only path left to defend democracy in each election is to support the very forces that undermine it. There is no room for change or to reimagine new forms of society. The only option left is to defend. Defend so they don’t advance.

Are we caught in a trap? Are there spaces to reinvent democracy?

How is it possible that the far right can connect with the grievances caused by the very system it supports? Where is the desire for a better life?

In this conversation, philosopher Amador Fernández-Savater and Claudia Delso, researcher and former councilor of the La Coruña City Council for the municipalist platform Marea Atlántica, will address the current democratic crisis, its limitations, and the need to renew and integrate new subjectivities.

  • Speakers: Amador Fernández-Savater and Claudia Delso

  • Language: Spanish


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