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Changes at "Water and democracy. Limits and challenges for the governance of a common good"

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Description (Català)

  • L’aigua és un bé comú compartit i al mateix temps finit. La seva relació amb les societats i la gestió i usos que se’n fa d’ella s’ha situat al centre del debat públic arrel de diferents episodis de sequera on es posa de manifesta la importància de fer-ne una gestió responsable i sostenible. Al mateix temps emergèicen a escala global nombrosos conflictes relacionats amb els models de gestió de l’aigua i el seu implacte en el territori, on la relació entre l’aigua i l’emergència climàtica cada cop és més present. En el moment en que l’aigua es converteix en un bé escàs i finit cal afrontar els reptes de la seva governança, els usos socials i compartits que en fem  per garantitzar que podem seguir gaudint d’una manera sostenible social i ecològicament. Per tant abordar el debat entorn a la democràcia i l’aigua esdevé fonamental com un repte de futur inaplaçable.

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    • Ponents: Kate Meehan i Violeta Cabello
      Modera: Hug March Corbella

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    • Ponents: Katie Meehan i Violeta Cabello
      Modera: Hug March Corbella

    • Idioma: Anglès i castellà

    Description (English)

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      Water is a shared common good and, at the same time, finite. Its relationship with societies and the management and use of it has come to the forefront of public debate due to various drought episodes, which highlight the importance of responsible and sustainable management. At the same time, numerous global conflicts have emerged related to water management models and their impact on territories, where the connection between water and the climate emergency is becoming increasingly present. As water becomes a scarce and finite resource, it is essential to tackle the challenges of its governance and the shared social uses we make of it to ensure that we can continue to enjoy it in a socially and ecologically sustainable way. Therefore, addressing the debate on democracy and water becomes a fundamental and urgent future challenge.

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      • Speakers: Katie Meehan and Violeta Cabello
        Moderate: Hug March Corbella

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      • Language: English and Spanish

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        Water is a shared common good and, at the same time, finite. Its relationship with societies and the management and use of it has come to the forefront of public debate due to various drought episodes, which highlight the importance of responsible and sustainable management. At the same time, numerous global conflicts have emerged related to water management models and their impact on territories, where the connection between water and the climate emergency is becoming increasingly present. As water becomes a scarce and finite resource, it is essential to tackle the challenges of its governance and the shared social uses we make of it to ensure that we can continue to enjoy it in a socially and ecologically sustainable way. Therefore, addressing the debate on democracy and water becomes a fundamental and urgent future challenge.

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        • Speakers: Katie Meehan and Violeta Cabello
          Moderate: Hug March Corbella

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        • Language: English and Spanish


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